Product - mic-kit

Day Rate - £7
Kit comprises a standard 50 mV/Pa (-26 dBV/Pa)
Free field half inch air condenser measurement microphone
Complete with a Nor-1201 preamplifier that has a full UKAS calibration for its sensitivity
Frequency response (2 to 20k Hz)
Dynamic range is from 20 to 140 dB peak.

product - gras-40hl/n
Day Rate - £10
Designed for use with the Nor-140 Sound Level Analyser
Extends the measurement range down to less than 6dB(A) and to negative dB values in third octave bands
GRAS-26AK/S1 - Microphone preamplifier
MIC-KIT-LF - Microphone capsule
NOR-1261 - Pre-amplifier clip
CA-CASE - Plastic transit case
These microphone kits are suitable for use in Nor-850 multi-channel systems as well as all other suitable instruments.
Low-Frequency Microphone Kit - MIC-KIT-LF - £7 Day rate
Kit contents:
GRAS-26AK/S1 - Microphone preamplifier
MIC-KIT-LF - Microphone capsule
NOR-1261 - Pre-amplifier clip
CA-CASE - Plastic transit case
This LF microphone is compatible with the Nor-1212 weather protection kit if the MTG-TA202 or Nor-1284 dehumidifier is also be specified.
High Level & Frequency Microphone Kit - GRAS-40BF - £10 day rate
Kit contents:
GRAS-40BF - 1/4" Microphone capsule
GRAS-RA0019 - 1/4" to 1/2" Adapter
NOR-1441 - 1/2" to 1/4" Calibrator Adapter
CA-CASE - Plastic transit case
The microphone is provided with a full UKAS calibration for its sensitivity, capacitance and frequency response (100 to 100k Hz). The microphone has a nominal sensitivity of 3 mV/Pa (-50 dBV/Pa).
GRAS-40HL/N - Microphone & Preamplifier
Note - Matched Set
CA-CASE - Plastic transit case
It comprises a GRAS-40HL/N low-level microphone and pre-amplifier kit that simply plugs into the sound level meter in place of the standard microphone and pre-amplifier.
product - NOR-1211
Day Rate - £8
Weather Protected Measurement Microphone
Environmental Microphones

product - gras-41al/s
Day Rate - £10
Two types of environmental microphones to suit all weather types of the UK

product - mmf-kd38v
Day Rate - £6
MMF-KD38V accelerometer:
General-purpose ICP accelerometer
Sensitivity 54.61mV/g
GRAS-41AL - GRAS-40AS + 26AK
GRAS-AL0001 - Desiccant Unit
GRAS-RA0010 - Coupler
CA-4002 General Purpose Tripod
CA-CASE - Plastic transit case
This is a self-contained system for use with standard sound level meters and is intended for temporary installations. Supplied with 3-metre cable and Lemo connector, includes desiccant unit (Gras-AL0001) and coupler (Gras-RA0010) for calibration with Nor-1251 or B&K 4230 acoustic calibrators and a mini-tripod for attended measurements. For unattended measurements, the CA-4007 heavy-duty tripod must be specified. Extension cables Nor-1408A are available in 5, 10 and 30-metre lengths
NOR-1212E Electret Outdoor Microphone Kit - £9 day rate
Comprises an assembly of a GRAS or B&K class 1 (precision) electret measurement microphone, a Nor-1201 preamplifier, Nor-1212 weather protection enclosure and a Nor-1408A 5 metre extension cable. It is therefore suitable for direct connection to a wide range of precision sound level meters from Norsonic or B&K as well as those from other manufacturers that use Lemo 1B connectors. The electret microphone is well suited to applications in damp environments. To prevent problems with the polarization voltage that may be supplied from the associated sound level meter the cable has been modified to remove this supply to the preamplifier.
The Nor-1212E microphone system is designed for temporary outdoor measurement situations using the Norsonic range of Sound Level Meters. It is supplied with an Electret type microphone and pre-wired 5-metre cable and designed for use with the CA-4007 tripod stand.
NOR-1212 Microphone weather protection system - £7 day rate
Allows the standard measurement microphone and preamplifier to be weather protected for short term environmental noise measurements. The Nor-1225 microphone with Nor-1201 or 1206 preamplifiers as fitted to Nor-116, 118 or 121 sound level meters may be used directly. If used with the Nor-131 or Nor-140 Sound Level Meters the MTG-TA202 or Nor-1284 dehumidifier must also be specified. Also requires an extension cable to be specified on the order; type Nor-1408A (5, 10 or 30 metres) for use with Nor-116, 118, 140 or 121 or type CA-4532/5M when using the Nor-131. A suitable tripod stand is the CA-4007.
MMF-KD38V - Accelerometer with M5 stud
MMF-050 - 1.5m Microdot to Microdot IPC cable
MMF-017 - Microdot to BNC adapter
MMF-** - Fixing accessories - 4 x M5 studs, Magnetic Mount, Hand probe, Mounting Wax, Isolation Flange
MMF-005 - M5 to M5 anti base strain stud
MMF-GLD - 2 x Water jacket gland
CA-Cas - Transit case
The following items are also available to enhance the measurement process, if required, these items must be specified separately when placing your order.
NOR-1450 - IPC Preamplifier - (required if using the Nor-118/116 Sound Level Meters)
Gras-12AL - CCP Power supply unit
product - mmf-ks48
Day Rate - £9
MMF-KS48 vibration accelerometer:
Single axis high sensitivity seismic IEPE (ICP) accelerometer
Nominal sensitivity of 1 V/g and a load mass of 165 grams.
For triaxial configurations the MMF-230 mounting block is available

MMF-KS48 - Accelerometer with M8 stud
MMF-86 - 5m - Binder 713 to BNC connection cable
MMF-03 - M5 screw mount Stud
MMF-08 - Magnetic Mount M5 stud
MMF-044 - M8 to M5 doughnut thread adapter
CA-Cas - Transit case
Hire-Docs - Hire documents including calibration certificate and instruction manual
The following items are also available to enhance the measurement process, if required, these items must be specified separately when placing your order.
MMF-230 - Tri-axial mounting block
Gras-12AL - IEPE (ICP) Power supply unit. Required if using the Nor-118 / 116 or similar Sound Level Meters not having an internal IEPE supply. Not required for Nor-140 as this has an internal IEPE supply.
GRAS-RA0083 - Adaptor for connection to Nor-140 or Nor-850 Analysers. Lemo 1B to BNC

product - mmf-ks76v
Day Rate - £6
MMF-KS76 accelerometer:
General purpose IEPE accelerometer
Load mass of 23 grams and sensitivity options of 5 or 10 mV/ms-2.
MMF-KS76 - 5mV/ms-2 Accelerometer with M5 stud. - Or -
MMF-KS76C.100 - 10mV/ms-2 Accelerometer with M5 stud.
Both Versions Include
MMF-050 - 1.5m Microdot to Microdot ICP cable
MMF-017 - Microdot to BNC adapter
MMF-01 - Fixing accessories - 4 x M5 studs, Magnetic Mount, Hand probe, Mounting Wax, Isolation Flange
CA-Cas - Transit case
The following items are also available to enhance the measurement process, if required, these items must be specified separately when placing your order.
MMF-030 - Tri-axial mounting block
Gras-12AL - IEPE (ICP) Power supply unit. Required if using the Nor-118 / 116 or similar Sound Level Meters not having an internal IEPE supply. Not required for Nor-140 as this has an internal IEPE supply.
GRAS-RA0083 - Adaptor for connection to Nor-140 or Nor-850 Analysers. Lemo 1B to BNC
product - mmf-ks823b
Day Rate - £17
High sensitivity (50 mV/ms-2) IEPE accelerometer
Specifically designed for the measurement of vibration in buildings (BS ISO 4866, DIN 45669 etc.)
For the investigation of ground induced vibration from wind farms. Weather protection to IP67

MMF-KS823B - Triaxial Accelerometer
MMF-729 - Mounting Plate & Accessories
MMF-088W - 5m Straight Binder cable, 718F - 711M
MMF-043 - M8 mounting Studs
MMF-508 - Magnetic Base
MMF-629 - Mounting Plate c/w locking ring
MMF-Acc - Mounting Consumables / Tools
Hire-Docs - Hire Document Set

product - mmf-729
Day Rate - £3
MMF-729 Tripod Mounting Plate
MMF-MPL - Steel Mounting plate with spirit level
MMF-FTS - Adjustable spike foot x 3
MMF-FTB - Adjustable ball-end foot x 3
MMF-KLN - Knurled locking nut x 3
MMF-M8S - Stud bolt for sensor
MMF-M8B - M8 Stud bolt for sensor
MMF-SPK - Hardend spike x 3 (spares))
MMF-COV - Protective foot cover x 3
MMF-ALK - Allen key x 2

product - mmf-729
Product - MMF-KB103SV
Two types of tri-axial seat accelerometers in our hire fleet. Both are designed for whole body measurements according to ISO 2631 and ISO 8041
Complete with 2 metre cable terminated in a MicroCom4 connector suitable for direct connection to Nor-133 or 136 Vibration Meters.
Nominal sensitivity 10 mV/ms-2 Individually calibrated in each axis.
The integral accelerometer is a Nor-1288 (Dytran 3143M1) and this may be removed for direct mounting onto a test object via a M4 mounting bolt for seat transfer function measurements.
Supplied complete with calibration certificate.
MMF-KB103SV Seat Pad:
Complete with 2-metre cable terminated in a Binder 711 connector suitable for direct connection to MMF-VM30 Vibration Meters along with a Binder 711 to MicroCom4 patch cable for direct connection to Nor-133 or Nor-136 Vibration Meters
Nominal sensitivity 10 mV/ms-2 Individually calibrated in each axis.
Supplied complete with a calibration certificate.

product - nor-1287
Day Rate - £5
Nominal sensitivity 1 mV/ms-2
Individually calibrated in each axis
Mount via a M3 stud bolt or alternatively using the Nor1291 Handle Adapter Plate via plastic tie wraps.
NOR-1287 - Triaxial Accelerometer
NOR-1291 - Handle Adaptor Plate
NOR-4555 - 1.5m Adaptor cable, Lemo 0B to MicroCom4
CA-1287 - Accelerometer Storage Case
Consum - Cable tie Wraps
Hire-Docs - Hire Document Set

product - nor-1292
Day Rate - £13
NOR-1292 Geophone:
Seismic pickup for measurement and analysis of ground-borne vibration levels.
Direct measurement over the frequency range 1 to 500 Hz in all three axes.
NOR-12527 - Geophone velocity transducer
NOR-4558 - Patch cable, Lemo 1B to NOR-133 / 136 vibration meters
CA-CAS - 1Transit case
The following items are also available to enhance the measurement process, if required, these items must be specified separately when placing your order.
NOR-1408A/5 - Lemo 1B to Lemo 1B extension cable - 5 metres.
NOR-1408A/10- Lemo 1B to Lemo 1B extension cable - 10 metres.
NOR-1408A/30 - Lemo 1B to Lemo 1B extension cable - 30 metres.
Vibration Calibrators
product - mmf-vc10
Day Rate - £9
Portable vibration calibrator for checking the calibration setting of vibration measurement systems.
Check accelerometers up to 300 grams in weight

MMF-VC10 - Vibration Calibrator
CA-VC1X - Power supply unit and battery charger
MMF-EGS - Euro style mains unit and battery charger
MMF-003 - M5x8mm Mounting Studs
MMF-044 - M5x4mm to M8x4 Donut Adapter
MMF-046 - M5x4mm to 1/4inch-28 Adapter stud
MMF-CAS - Carry case
Important information:
Minimum hire period - 5 days (3 day minimum hire period for Building Acoustic kits)
Hire charged from the day of delivery
Collection available
Min £100 hire (not including carriage)