The Construction Code of Practice has been updated to assist developers and construction professionals manage the environmental issues, and minimise the impacts of construction activities. The document clearly specifies the requirements for real time monitoring of Noise, Vibration and Dust with measurements used for the alerting of exceedences and reporting.
Below is a brief overview of the monitoring requirements associated with the latest guidance from Westminster City Council with regard to Noise, Vibration and Dust emissions. It is essential that anyone planning to undertake developments in Westminster, download and read the entire document: https://www.westminster.gov.uk/code-construction-practice
The CoCP is a very useful guide and gives valuable information and references for best practice related to construction projects even outside the borough of Westminster.
It is likely that the monitoring requirements of the CoCP document will extend to other London Boroughs, Cities and Districts across the UK in the coming months and years.
The monitoring requirements depend on the type of project, with the CoCP dividing developments into categories based on size, complexity and proximity of sensitive receptors.
Level 1: Large/ strategic developments
>1000 residential units, or
>10000m2 Floorspace from creation or change of use
Level 2: Developments of
>10 or more new build residential units
>1000 m2 Floorspace from creation or change of use
Level 3: All developments falling outside of the definitions of Level 1 and 2 projects
Basements: those not fitting level 1 or 2 requirements as above
Major refurbishments:
Those of a large enough scale with equivalent impacts will be treated as Level 1, 2 and 3 above
The Council may move a site from a low to a high level, if:
- It’s impact on neighbouring users is likely to be high, or
- It is located in a particularly sensitive area, or
- The nature of the development would cause high impact work or a refurbishment period of 12 12 months (or more)
Monitoring Requirements
Level 1 and 2 developments will require real time monitors of a number and location to be defined. Data should be reported monthly. Exceedences above set limits should be investigated immediately.
Baseline measurements should be made prior to developments.
Level 3 – Real time monitornig not required unless project upgraded to higher category.
Noise prediction – Level 1 and 2 developments will require prediction models to map noise emissions for various stages of the project. See CadnaA software
Level 1 requires simultaneous PM10 and PM2.5 monitoring – See new Sonitus DM30 dust monitor
Level 2 Requires PM10 only
Trigger and action levels are set out below.

All measurements made on automatic continuous PM10 monitors that comply with the MCERTS Indicative Ambient Particulate Monitors standard.