Artificial intelligence is all around us, in the car, at home and possibly in the workplace, with services such as Siri and Alexa making life easier.
Using AI, Sonitus Systems have developed their audio capture option to accurately identify noise sources. No longer must site staff listen to noise recordings to establish the cause, ANI does it for them! The updated Sonitus Cloud system, powered by Amazon webservers will intelligently analyse each recording, to identify what type of noise it is. Audio recordings are labelled with their noise type and each category is quantified in clear and simple reports, ready to quickly and easily explain a noise breach. And to keep site staff fully informed, email alerts are sent every time a recording is made, or a trigger breached. All recordings can be played back on a smartphone, PC or tablet.
ANI - Automated Noise Identification is a game changer for demolition and construction site staff.
Noise identification is a problem for remote monitoring of construction and demolition sites because, without a human ear at the measurement point 24 hours a day, it can be difficult to establish the actual source of a noise breach – ANI solves it.

Construction sites situated in cities are normally surrounded by lots of non-related noise such as vehicle traffic, sirens, horns, bird calls, motorbikes and people, which could negatively affect the readings and the noise limits imposed on the site – ANI solves it.

If you are interested in hiring or purchasing a Sonitus Systems EM2030 noise monitor or SiteSens combined noise and dust monitor, contact us today.